Confirmed speakers

Recordings are available on the dedicated website at the Ecole de Physique des Houches.



Vincent JEUDY (LPS, Université Paris-Saclay — France) — Disentangling universal and non-universal behaviors of domain walls in thin magnets [slides, recordings]

Benjamin GUISELIN (LP-ENS Lyon — France) — Demystifying the overlap order parameter in disordered systems [slides, recordings]

Jean-François MOLINARI (EPFL, Lausanne — Switzerland) — Richness and complexity of sliding mechanisms at a frictional interface [slides, recordings]



Davy DALMAS (EC Lyon — France) — Real contact area reduction under shear in elastomer/glass contacts : contributing mechanisms for wide range of normal loads [slidesrecordings]

Muhittin MUNGAN (Universität zu Köln — Germany) — Memory formation in driven disordered systems – dead or alive [slides, recordings]

Patrycja PARUCH (DQMP, Genève — Switzerland)  — Avalanche statistics, nonlinear dynamics, and self-affine roughening of ferroelectric domain walls during polarisation switching [slides]

Pierfrancesco URBANI (IPhT, Paris-Saclay — France) — Theory of glasses in infinite dimensions [recordings]



Axelle AMON (Institut de Physique de Rennes — France) — Emergence and dynamics of a laboratory seismic fault

Jonathan BARES (L2C, Université de Montpellier — France) — Loss of memory of an elastic line on its way to limit cycles

Elsa BAYART (LP-ENS Lyon — France) — How localized disorder affects the onset of frictional sliding

Reinaldo GARCÍA-GARCÍA (Universidad de Navarra — Spain) — Athermal Mean-Field Elastoplastic Models with Yield-Stress Criterion and Stress Diffusion: A Tale on the Energy Conservation Principle

Frédéric LECHENAULT (LPENS Paris — France) — Exploring experimental physics with machine learning: assessment of analogue seismicity and memory manipulation [slides]

Sylvain PATINET (PMMH, ESPCI, Paris — France) — Relaxations in supercooled liquids: Connection between thermal excitations and local yield stresses of their inherent states [slides, recordings]

Saverio ROSSI (LPTMC, Paris — France) — Role of disorder in the yielding transition of elasto-plastic models [slides, recordings]



Massimilen BERNARD (LPENS Paris — France) — Random diffusion model and anomalous roughening [slides, recordings]

Marco BIROLI (LPTMS,Université Paris-Saclay — France) — Critical number of walkers for a resetting search process

Silvia BONFANTI (NOMATEN — Poland) — Compositional disorder induces quasi-localized modes in high entropy alloy crystals [slides, recordings]

Umang. A DATTANI  (The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai — India) — Cavitation instabilities in amorphous solids [slides, recordings]

Tom DE GEUS (EPFL, Lausanne  — Switzerland) — Criticality and nucleation of slip at the frictional interface [recordings]

Kanka GHOSH (LSPM, Universite Sorbonne Paris Nord — France) — Insights of plasticity-driven phase transformation mechanism of 2D solids using Poincaré representation: Bridging atomistic and mesoscopic methods [recordings]
Maria Grazia IZZO (SISSA, Trieste — Italy) — Acoustic-like excitations in structural glasses by a mean field approach: Rayleigh scattering and disorder-induced mixing of polarizations [slides, recordings]

Daniel KORCHINSKI (University of British Columbia — Canada) — Temperatures effects and criticality in a mesoscopic model of amorphous yielding [slides, recordings]

David KURUNCZI-PAPP (Tampere University — Finland) — Dislocation avalanches from strain-controlled loading: A discrete dislocation dynamics study [slides, recordings]

Yoav LAHINI (Tel Aviv University — Israel) — Memory, adaptation, and aging in crumpled sheets and networks of instabilities [recordings]

Lasse LAURSON (Tampere University — Finland) — Asymmetric roughness and internal degrees of freedom of driven elastic interfaces in random media [recordings]

Tero MAKINEN (Aalto University— Finland) — History effects in the creep of a disordered brittle material [slides, recordings]

Mert M. TERZI (PMMH, ESPCI, Paris — France)  — Structure of grain boundaries in Landau-type theory of crystal plasticity

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